Saturday, December 4, 2010



Silent valley, the valley which highly resembled to the gene pool areas of the rainforests of Amazon. The silent valley national park located in the palaghat district of Kerala state. This wild life site is one of the most undisturbed area in the entire world. This park is located in the nearby side of Kunthi River. The area is locally known as Sairandhrivanam. Sairandri is the another name of Panchali /Droupadi, the polyandrous wife of pandavas. The name kunthi and sairandri making the myth to a reality. The park is contiguous with the proposed Karimpuzha National Park to the north and Mukurthi National Park of Tamil nadu to the north-east. It is the core of the Nilgiri biosphere reserve. The British named the area Silent Valley because of a perceived absence of noisy cicadas. The first investigator who made silent valley a world wild attraction is

Mr. Robert Wight. The lion tailed Macaque is the attraction of Silent valley and its existence in silent valley closely related to fruits of Cullenia Exarillata.

Simply Silent valley is a wild attraction. Being the lone home of Lion Tailed Macaque , it attracts a number of naturists, zoologists, botanists and environmentalist in and around the world. If you really love the nature, don’t go to this virgin land. Sometimes a simple footstep may kill the endangered creatures in the nature.

So act for nature and protect the nature and preserve it for future.

With love and happy traveling moments


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